AfM Realtime View
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The Realtime Viewer from AfM shows the current progress of a CALYPSO test plan at any PC workstation. Unnecessary ways and inquiries to check the availability of the coordinate measuring machine (CMM) are completely eliminated. Operators and workers can perform other tasks while the measuring program is running. Work processes can be planned and take place without unnecessary interruptions.

Display option
Part measurement
Name of the measurement program
Total and remaining time of the measurement program
Graphical progress indicator
Display systems (clients)
Information can be displayed directly on the CALYPSO computer. Recommendation: additional screen
Information can be displayed on any PC within the network
Several CMMs can be displayed on one PC
Your advantages
Optimal KMG utilization
Connection of any number of display systems (PCs)
Connection of any number of coordinate measuring machines
Pallet measurement is taken into account
KMG availability can be planned
Efficient and cheap
Hardware independence (traffic light systems)
No additional cabling due to the use of the house network (LAN)
Flexible licensing through server-client concept and floating licensing